Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? Can't find the answer you're looking for? Don't worry, drop us a line on our contact page.

How often do you update your database?

We update our database regularly to ensure that the information displayed on our website is as accurate and up-to-date as possible. The frequency of our updates depends on the availability of new information and the rate at which changes occur. We strive to provide the most recent and accurate data possible, and we are constantly working to improve the quality and timeliness of our information.

The number of requests you can make may depend on the specific plan or subscription you have. If you're using our website on the free tier, there may be a limit on the number of requests you can make per day. Please check our website or API documentation for more information on the specific limits and restrictions that apply to your account.

On our paid plan, you are allowed to use our API on a commercial website. While its on the free plan still possible, its not recommended due to rate limiting that may occur.

Yes, you can use our API in production. Our API is designed to be scalable and reliable, and it is suitable for use in a production environment. We also offer technical support and resources to help you integrate our API into your production systems and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

If you want to ask questions about our product, or need help using our item you’ve purchased or just want to tell us how much you love our work, that's great!

Contact us via email info(at)softnio.com or Post your comment (are visible to everyone) on our item page after login into your account.

We’re here to help you!

Ask a question or file a support ticket, manage request, report an issues. Our team support team will get back to you by email.